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  • 38,3 kWh
  • 30,5 kWh
Hyundai / Ioniq / 38,3 kWh
Connector type: CCS
Max charge speed: 45 kW

The charge curve shows the charging behaviour of this car when the battery is in optimal conditions (around. 30 °C). A colder (or warmer) battery can result is a significantly lower charge speed.
Hyundai / Ioniq / 30,5 kWh
Connector type: CCS
Max charge speed: 70 kW

The charge curve shows the charging behaviour of this car when the battery is in optimal conditions (around. 30 °C). A colder (or warmer) battery can result is a significantly lower charge speed.
Unlock the connector

Press the unlock button located on the car key


On the right side of the steering wheel is a button for charging. If you press it the car will release the cable.

Emergency release (at your own risk)

Open the trunk, raise the carpet. The emergency release is located near the chargingport in the car. Pull the cable for the chargeport gently.